Aus heiterem Himmel is a German comedy television series, broadcast between 1995 and 1999. The series was created by Hannah Hollinger and is about a comic author Tobias and his boat-building friend Christopher who inhabit an old villa and lead a life of promiscuity.
A reassessment of the role Albert Speer played in the Third Reich. Speer, who was ultimately convicted at the Nuremburg trials and served a 20-year prison sentence, was known for designing many of the Third Reich's buildings and for being Hitler's minister for war production.
Im Angesicht des Verbrechens is a German television series about the Russian mafia in Berlin. It received high critical acclaim, but the viewer figures were disappointing. It was broadcast by ARTE and Das Erste.
Vier gegen Z is a German children's television program shown on ARD and KI.KA in which four children are appointed as "Wächter" by their deceased aunt Hedda to prevent Zanrelot, the "Herrscher der Finsternis" from leaving the underworld and gaining control over Lübeck. As of September 2006, two seasons of 13 episodes each have been broadcast. The show's success has sparked the creation of a total of 6 novelized versions of the television episodes.
20-year-old Janine Grabowski disappears in a small Bavarian town near the Czech border. While all evidence indicates that Janine secretly wanted to leave the backcountry, her mother, Michelle, becomes increasingly convinced that there's something amiss. Michelle's missing person's report is quickly filed away by the police. So the single mother is forced to investigate at her own risk. The longer she hunts for an answer to Janine's disappearance, the more she discovers about her daughter and the people with whom she kept company. She begins to doubt whether Janine even wants to be found.
Momo, a young soccer player who ends up innocently behind bars. In Berlin jail he now has to assert himself and is put under pressure by his uncle, the clan leader Amar.