Gestatten, mein Name ist Cox is a series of crime novels and audio dramas written by the German couple Rolf and Alexandra Becker, later also adapted to a television series and a movie. The series chronicle the adventures of Paul Cox, a professional gambler in London, with a tendency to get involved in intricate murder mysteries, where he often ends up as the main suspect and has to evade police and solve the crime to clear his name. He's aided in all his adventures by his friend Thomas Richardson, a private detective.
The story of the family of lawyer Sofie and Commissioner Thomas that is struck by fate. Their five-year-old son, Arthur, disappears without a trace. This tragedy makes Sofie question her life. She ends her career as a criminal lawyer and starts training as a police officer. Three years later, she has a clear goal: to lock up as many criminals as possible while continuing to passionately search for her missing son.