Spanning 1919 to 1982, in the fictional village of Schabbach, lives Maria Simon and her family, whose lives and community are changed by historical events around them.
Am grünen Strand der Spree was a five-part German television movie which first aired in 1960. It was based on a novel by Hans Scholz and has been called a Straßenfeger in German, a television program that was watched by so many, the streets were empty. It was produced by German broadcaster Nord- und Westdeutscher Rundfunkverband in Cologne, Germany.
In a small village in the Po Valley a permanent state of feud exists between the parish priest Don Camillo and the Communist mayor Peppone.
They fight their battles in the cause of the betterment of the Northern Italian community and Camillo comforts himself in his frequent times of crisis with intimate little conversations with the Almighty.
Shortly before the outbreak of World War II: Leopold Trepper, a colonel in the Red Army, travels to Belgium under a false name and sets up a spy ring there. Together with his employees Viktor Sukulow-Gurewitsch, Johann Wenzel, Hillel Katz and Michail Makarow, he succeeds in establishing a spy network throughout Belgium and France in a very short time. With the help of his cover companies - a chain of raincoat shops and later the import-export company Simexco ”- Trepper can collect information from the economy and the Wehrmacht, about Atlantic Wall construction sites and railway lines, and send it to Moscow. The agents also get help from patriots who want to free their countries from the occupation by the Germans.