Mord mit Aussicht is a German satirical crime comedy television series, produced by ARD, following the adventures of Sophie Haas, a detective from the city that takes a job in the fictional country village of Hengasch. Much of the humour of the series derives from the clichés of both city and provincial lives, in a similar manner to the English comedy crime series Midsomer Murders.
Istanbul police commissioner Mehmet Özakin is in charge of serious crime, mainly murder investigations, mostly in the Turkish metropolis. A very modern Turk, he uses up to date Western methods, without prejudice, assisted by bachelor Mustafa Tombul. Even his private life is progressive, his wife Sevim being on the former imperial capital's university staff.
Die Pfefferkörner is a German television series produced by Der Kinderkanal.
The peppercorns are five friends from Hamburg: Jana Holstein Coutre, Natasha "Tascha" Jaonzäns, Philip "Fiete" Overbeck, Cem Gülec and Vivien "Vivi" Overbeck, Fiete's eight year old sister. After school, the young detectives meet at a high level of a spice warehouse of the company Overbeck & Associates, which belongs to Fiete and Vivi's parents in the first part, but is later given to Fiete and Vivi to look after. Here, in the historic warehouse district, the five friends have their headquarters.
With smarts, combined delivery and support of the Internet, they find their cases here. The detectives convict polluters, animal dealers and drug smugglers. They also help each other with personal problems they encounter. Cem has lost his parents in a car accident and sometimes feels sad and lonely. Jana lives with her divorcee mother, a lawyer who is rarely at home. Natasha comes from Latvia. Her parents initially have very s
The Onedin Line is a BBC television drama series which ran from 1971 to 1980. The series was created by Cyril Abraham.
The series is set in Liverpool from 1860 to 1886 and deals with the rise of a shipping line, the Onedin Line, named after its owner James Onedin. Around this central theme are the lives of his family, most notably his brother and partner, shop owner Robert, and his sister Elizabeth, giving insight into the lifestyle and customs at the time, not only at sea, but also ashore. The series also illustrates some of the changes in business and shipping, such as from wooden to steel ships and from sailing ships to steam ships. It shows the role that ships played in affairs like international politics, uprisings and the slave trade.
The children's show has been a fixed Sunday morning ritual in German living rooms since 1971. Not only children, but also many adults sit in front of the television every week when the clever orange mouse, his blue elephant buddy and the yellow duck lead the way with short, funny cartoon clips between the "funny and factual stories".
Tigerenten Club is a German children's television programme. The programme involves a mix of games, quizzes, cartoons and outside reports from the presenters and children, with the aim to educate and entertain. It is produced by SWR in co-operation with other regional broadcasters, and is broadcast on ARD and KiKa.
The logo and the name of the programme is based upon the Tigerente or 'Tigerduck', created by German cartoonist Janosch.
München 7 is a German police drama series from Franz Xaver Bogner. The show is set in Munich, Germany and features the fictive police station "München 7" or "Munich 7". The main characters are the "Sheriff from Marienplatz" Xaver Bartl and his new colleague Felix Kandler.
München 7 is part of a series of commonly branded shows with similar themes called "Heiter bis tödlich".
Spanning 1919 to 1982, in the fictional village of Schabbach, lives Maria Simon and her family, whose lives and community are changed by historical events around them.
Summer 1944. Walter Proska is about to return to the Eastern Front when his train is blown up by partisans. Together with a scattered bunch of German soldiers, cut off from the front, he awaits certain death while the commands of his superior Willi Stehauf are becoming more and more senseless and inhuman.