Pa a Pi is animated educational TV show, depicting adventures of extraterrestrial cats Pa and Pi during their visit on Earth. Show was created in 1986 to 1989 and consist from animated and acted sequences. Each episode presents one animal. Show was designed by Miroslav Duša, animated by Dalimil Koutek and directed by Miroslav Sobota, Dalimil Koutek (animated part) and Václav Pavel Borovička. Title song written by Karel Svoboda, sung by Marika Gombitová in slovak version.
Show was created in studio Prométheus Ostrava in cooperation with german GOLD-FILM Gmbh Pforzheim.
Frankenstein's Aunt is the protagonist of three novels - two by Allan Rune Pettersson and a seven-episode TV miniseries based on the first one. The story is a humorous homage to the Universal Horror Frankenstein films.
Spadla z oblakov is a Slovak language sci-fi TV series for children created in year 1978. The series became very popular in Czechoslovakia and several other countries.
The series was based on 1967 child book Spadla z nebe by Václav Pavel Borovička, a Czech writer and screenwriter. The first, very successful edition was followed by several reprints, the last in year 2000. The TV series follows the book quite closely.