Becky and Barnaby Bear is a live action television series on United Kingdom TV for children between the ages of 5 and 8, based around the character of Barnaby Bear and his friend Becky. Barnaby and Becky both live in the city of Chester in Cheshire. Barnaby Bear is a registered trademark of the Geographical Association. Barnaby helps children to learn about the world around them by showing a video diary of Barnaby's adventures. The series was shown as a part of Watch, a series on BBC2 from 1980s to 2000s
The queen and king of confectionery, Kitty Hope and Mark Greenwood, rediscover the best of British confectionery. The fun-loving couple are sweet-making experts and together they show how to make all kinds of sweets at home, from childhood favourites to exotic new treats. Along the way they source the best ingredients from around the UK.
An eye-opening look inside the Post Office - an iconic national institution undergoing the biggest shake-up in its nearly 400-year history as it battles to reinvent itself for the modern world.
Celebrity chef James Martin shares his love of puddings with the nation, giving viewers the most comprehensive guide yet to desserts, puddings and cakes
Following six British households taking on the potentially life-changing responsibility of a puppy, tracing their stories over the course of the first year of their puppy's life.
Ex-boyband rapper Abz Love and his girlfriend Vicky Fallon want to leave their city life and buy a smallholding in Wales. But with little money and farming experience, will they achieve their dream?
Map Man is a BBC documentary series first broadcast on BBC Two in 2004 and repeated in 2013. Each episode recounts a particular tale in the history of British cartography, with a particular emphasis on the individuals whose dedication and ingenuity led to the production of some of history's most ground-breaking maps.
The show is presented by explorer and writer Nicholas Crane, each week travelling some distance by bicycle, water or on foot to recreate the often treacherous journeys taken in the creation of that episode's map.
Series which gives a definitive guide to the history of performance magic from Ancient Egypt to 21st century Las Vegas, and why it has played such an important role in our social and cultural history.
700 years after one of the most significant conflicts in British history, Neil Oliver and Tony Pollard go in search of both the real and imagined Battle of Bannockburn.
Documentary providing exclusive behind-the-scenes access to one of the world's premier aerobatic display teams, the Red Arrows. Offering a unique insight into the 120-strong team of pilots and ground crew as they prepare to celebrate their 50th display season and turn British skies red, white and blue.
Art historian Dr. James Fox makes the case for a singularly British renaissance, telling the stories of the artists and artisans who changed Britain forever.