Granaten wie wir (Grenades Like Us) is a comedy show moderated by Max Giermann, which made its debut on German television on ProSieben on September 15, 2009. Six episodes were seen in autumn 2009, the remaining six episodes that had already been produced were broadcast from September 21, 2010. However, these have been shortened from 60 to 30 minutes.
In the new ProSieben show, ten drag queens from Germany , Austria and Switzerland are moving into a luxury villa in Los Angeles and are staging a variety show week after week in which they present themselves in all their facets: sometimes ladylike, sometimes something cheeky, sometimes touching. ProSieben accompanies the ten ladies on their way and gives viewers a look behind the scenes of the drag world: Who are the personalities behind the pompous costumes? What characterizes a "Queen of Drags"? How do the men turn into extroverted glamor ladies who take their breath away from the studio audience with their versatile talents? And how do they live together in their villa?
18 – Allein unter Mädchen was a German comedy television series broadcast between 2004 and 2005. It centered around four eighteen-year-old boys, who, due to a ministerial decision, are sent to a conservative boarding school, against the wishes of the strict school headmistress.