Sketch series with the comedians Johanna Nordström and Hampus Nessvold. In the small community of Västerköping lives the cashier Terese, "Väktar-Åsa", the twins Gittan and Bittan and the nurses Tim and Jeanette. The common denominator between them and all the other residents of the town is that they long for the weekend. Or as they themselves put it "Welcome to beautiful Västerköping. We eat, sleep, work and long for the weekend. Yes, we do."
A US prison decides to try out the methods of the Scandinavian prison system. But there are challenges ahead. Can the Americans succeed in focusing on rehabilitating prisoners instead of punishing them and changing staff attitudes, while overcoming the covid-19 pandemic?
A young girl discovers that she dreams of her own future as an adult. When she learns that a horrible accident is about to take place, one she can knowingly stop, her decision to intervene inadvertently changes the course of the future forever.
Svan was the world's best skier in the 1980s. He found his own, extreme path to success. At the Olympics in Sarajevo 40 years ago, he broke through and it all started in the small village of Skamhed in Dalarna.
The host Anne Lundberg takes us through history and, together with famous guests and experts, highlights some classic objects and what could become future antiques.
Come along to Camilla's Moroccan family where she gets to learn about the Moroccan baking culture together to understand more about where she belongs. Camilla has always felt too Swedish in Morocco and too Moroccan in Sweden and never really felt 100% at home anywhere. With this program, she hopes not only to offer new exciting baking pleasure, but also understanding and recognition.
This series is a collection of short stories, aimed at teenagers who are around 15 years old. The stories are based on submitted emails, and revolve around typical situations teenagers are faced with every day.