Taekwon King Kang Taepoong (태권왕 강태풍) is a Korean animated series from 2000 about schoolkids forming their own Taekwondo club. The story focuses on a stubborn boy called Kang Tae-poong who sometimes gets in trouble with other people. He begins Taekwondo after getting knocked out by another boy of his age who does the martial art, and decides to form his own group with his fellow students and teacher advisor.
Little Wizard Tao is a children's adventure fantasy animated television series co-produced by South Korean G&G Entertainment and Chinese animation studio Motion Magic Digital Studios. The series was originally aired on KBS2 and later distributed to markets in China, Hong Kong, Great Britain and France. Little Wizard Tao premiered on 13 July 2009 and concluded on 26 April 2010. The series focuses on Tao, a young boy with magical powers, as he attends school to become a wizard.