Each episode contains three theatrical Looney Tunes cartoons and an animated direct-to-video Scooby-Doo film with new linking sequences created by removing all the dialogue from existing Warner Brothers' movie or television show, and replacing it with an entirely new recording, the scenes being reedited to fit the fictional studio setting of the show.
Erik, Ylva and Ani are budding Vikings, confident that they all have what it takes to succeed in the ruthless Vikingskøøl. But the road to graduation is long! To get to the end of this adventure, fortunately they have the necessary stamina, courage and intelligence - but not necessarily all of these qualities at the same time...
The Scooby-Gang travels to the four corners of the globe to introduce us to incredible natural phenomena, totally unusual places and surprising landscapes.
Camille, Amy and Mike founded the Mongooses e-sports team. One day, they need to replace their captain and meet Alex, a passionate and charismatic football player... but who seems to be a complete noob when it comes to video games!
Yet, Alex turns out to be super gifted! Plus, he shows the qualities of a real Captain: courage, perseverance and team spirit. He’s able to bring out the best in each of them! As outsiders, they’ll need all their strengths and talent to win.
LET THE MATCH BEGIN! Will they survive the pressure?!