Morsarvet is a 1993 Swedish mini series directed by Staffan Roos written by, and starring, Solveig Ternström.
The series was televised on Sveriges television in late 1993.
On a military base a corpse is found in an old shaft. This crime seems to have a connection with a still unsolved case 25 years ago. Swedish series consisting of six episodes, sequel to the critically acclaimed Graven.
Partaj (Party) is a swedish classical humor TV series from 1969. Known actors and comdians deliver sketches and short stories. Among the participants you'll find among others, Carl-Gustaf Lindstedt, Lars Ekborg, Jarl Borssén, Sonya Hedenbratt, Margareta Sjödin, Roffe Bengtson and Mille Schmidt. The series used the same concept as the popular US show Laugh-In.
Finding an Heir (Arvinge okänd) focus on people who have died in Sweden, seemingly alone, and without the authorities succeeding to find possible family members. The hosts take on the task to find the unknown heirs, and the program then succeeds to reunite families, heal wounds and tell stories about our modern history.
Right before Christmas Charlotte Ekeblad is given an offer she hardly can refuse, to become a minister in the Swedish Parliament. As minister of environment she is put in a position with no greater power, yet the prime minister comes out as a modern and open minded leader with a young woman in his staff. Charlotte Ekeblad though, is torn between a family life as a woman, and the opportunity to make a career. In the middle of this stands a husband not really sure what to think of becoming number two in the family, and a resistance in the male domination of the government. The pressure builds up and the marriage starts to shake in its foundations. It's time for Charlotte to ask herself if the price for the ability to change is too high.
The series follows the events during the fall and winter of 1991–92, when John Ausonius shot a total of eleven people with an immigrant background. The series partly follows Ausonius during the execution of the crime, and partly the police's detective work. The series also provides an insight into Ausonius' earlier life, from high school age onwards.
Welcome to new Sweden. Will Kristina manage to seduce the janitor? Can the employment officer convince Mohammed to take a black job? Does the balloon man abuse helium?