Wild Kids is a Swedish reality show for children that has aired for three seasons on Sveriges Television. Ola Lindholm has been the host of the show since the first season, which aired in 2005. The second season was filmed in late 2006 and aired in early 2007. The third season, also hosted by Lindholm, aired in 2009, and a fourth season is currently in production.
Kurt Wallander is thrown into a world he does not master - the computing world. An empty taxi found, heavily bloodstained and battered. Two young girls are taken in for questioning and admits murder of the taxi driver, but does not tell where the body is. The day after a man is found lying dead at an ATM with the bank statement in his hand. Two seemingly different cases, or do they have anything to do with each other? Kurt Wallander is trying to find answers, but he does not recognize himself - he feels unwell, dizzy and is forced to go to hospital.
Soran Ismail has built his career on joking about racism, but never handled his own prejudices. What are you allowed to think, what are you allowed to say? And when are you a racist? A tv-series with swedens most serious comedian about everyday racism in one of the worlds most tolerant countries.