Kim Milyoner Olmak İster is a Turkish game show based on the original British format of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?. The show is hosted by the Turkish actor Kenan Işık. The program was broadcast from August 2, 2011.
The main goal of the game is to win 1.000.000 TL by answering 12 multiple-choice questions correctly. There are four lifelines: Fifty Fifty, Phone a Friend, Ask The Audience and Double Dip. The program was be broadcast from August 2011 and it is shown on Atv. In this season, the channel eliminated the preliminary Fastest Finger round; contestants immediately take the hot seat.
This version adopts the clock format from the US version. The first two questions each have a 15 second time-limit and contestants have 45 seconds for each of the next five questions.
Işın Show was a short-lived talk show which aired on atv in 2005. The show was hosted by Turkish pop singer Işın Karaca.
The show hosted famous Turkish singers such as Yıldız Tilbe, Ebru Gündeş, Özlem Tekin and İzel. There were small skits throughout the show with names such as "Börül Abla" or "Barbi bebekler". DJ Çığırtkan also featured in the show with announces and skits.
The show used Işınla Beni in the promotions before the original air.