The story stars Antonella (Andrea Del Boca), a young woman who wants to be an actress. Working as an entertainer for children's parties, characterizing the clown Plin-Plin, she meets Nicolás (Gustavo Bermúdez) who is actually her sister Natalia's lover. Before long, Natalia appears dead. Although it is believed that it was a suicide, Antonella thinks that he murdered her, and seeking revenge, he infiltrates the world of high society.
Gustavo "el Nene" Carrizo (Adrián Suar) is a con artist and opportunist, but he is also a friendly thief who wins people over with his incredible charisma and his desire to help others. He came to Argentina from Spain with the purpose of avenging the death of his father, assassinated by a gang of drug traffickers. And at the moment of carrying out his revenge, he ran into the police.
the story follows Ringo, a former boxer going through economic problems while trying to gain custody of his son working as a firefighter, and Camila, a young doctor who works as a resident in public hospitals and helps a community dinning room.
Consentrados is a teen comedy TV series from Argentina, starring Claribel Medina, Marcelo de Bellis, Natalie Pérez and Michel Noher.
The show started its run on 2010 on Telefe and had one season. It 'had been made by February, 13 2010 and November, 22 2011.