Amas de Casa Desesperadas is an Argentine television series, that debuted on Canal 13 on August 30, 2006. Set in the fictional Manzanares Street, a suburb surrounding Buenos Aires, the series follows the lives of four housewives and the domestic problems and daily mysteries surrounding their husbands, friends and neighbors, which can be more sinister than they appear. The series' tone combines elements of drama, comedy, mystery, farce, soap opera and satire.
Based on the American television series, Desperate Housewives, it was developed for Argentina by Buena Vista International and Pol-Ka Producciones. The show’s first season was broadcast by Canal 13 on Argentina, and also by other networks on Uruguay and Paraguay. On October 2006, Canal 13 renewed Amas de Casa Desesperadas for a second season, that will start filming on August 2007.
Have you ever thought what your life would be like if within you lived an alter ego who made you consider yourself the splitting image of perfection; i.e.: “An Argentinian”? Well our Valentino did. Valentino is a confident and fascinating man with a special allure and pizzazz for making women fall on his feet thanks to his alter ego “The Argentinian”.
Julián, Manuel, and Simón are a group of friends since childhood who spent many years at a local sports club. They meet again after a decade without seeing each other, and try to save the sports club from bankruptcy. They find out that if the club wins a certain tournament, the award will provide the economic support needed to pay the club's debts.
Vientos de agua is a 2006 cult Argentine- Spanish mini TV series created by Juan José Campanella. The drama traces a Spaniard's emigration to Argentina in the 1930s, and, years later, his son's return to modern-day Spain.
It aired in Spain in January 2006, on Telecinco for only one series of 13 episodes.
While a hit in Argentina, because of lower ratings in Spain it was taken out of the prime-time slot to 1.00 in morning, and was eventually cancelled due to downloading of series from the internet.
Despite a campaign of support to continue into a second series it only produced 13 episodes. Despite this the series was a hit in DVD sellings.
Sol Negro was an Argentine television miniseries that aired on the América TV channel in late 2003. The plot focuses on the story of a young man who is admitted to a neuropsychiatric hospital to evade prison, and revolves around his insertion in the circle of inmates of the hospital and a complicity network to take away his share of a family inheritance.
Margarita (Claribel Medina) is a woman who due to the twists and turns of life must take charge of a goal without having much idea of the trade. She arrives accompanied by her son León (Nicolás Cabré). In his new life, he will have the help of Beto (Miguel Ángel Rodríguez), the manager of the building across the street, a noble man who lives in an eternal relationship crisis.
Algo habrán hecho is a documentary film for television that narrates the history of Argentina. It was created by the argentine historian Felipe Pigna, who acted as presenter. In the first two seasons Mario Pergolini was a co-presenter of it, but after giving up on all works on television his role in the documentary was taken by Juan Di Natale. Di Natale and Pergolini were by that time co-presenters of the talk show Caiga quien caiga. Di Natale pointed that he wasn't meant to act as if he was Pergolini, but the script writers wrote instead the scripts based on his own personality.
The first season, aired in 2005 on Canal 13, narrates the history of Argentina from the british invasions of the Río de la Plata to the fall of Juan Manuel de Rosas during the Battle of Caseros. The second season, aired in 2006 on Telefé, resumes the narration from that point and continues up to the suicide of Leandro N. Alem in 1896. The third one, aired in 2008 on Telefé, resumes as well from the end of previ