Norwegian comedy series with comedian duo Martin Beyer-Olsen and Christian Mikkelsen, who through six episodes play with genres taken from the diversity of television series. Much of the theme is rooted in reality, but with a large room for surprises, unpredictability and a satirical look at today's society.
Nine year old Therese disappears from Fjell in Drammen, Norway in July 1988. She has never been found. How could it happen? A family is still searching for answers, and two detectives never let the case go.
Marie Orderud, Kristian Orderud and their daughter Anne Orderud Paust are found brutally shot dead at Orderud Farm on Sunday, May 23, 1999. The police have no leads until an unexpected event gives the case a new twist.
Two weeks after Norway was attacked in April 1940, the Norwegians fought a desperate battle against the world's largest military force in anticipation of the Allied aid. When it finally arrived, it was anything but expected. This is the story of when the whole country was in war, told by those who were actually present. British, French, Polish and Norwegian war veterans who participated in the campaign in Norway are interviewed about their experiences.