"My student spirit" is a story about a student and a little afterlife. The series tells about the ghost of a student and his living friend, who are forced to help each other in order to achieve a common goal — to leave the institute.
The main character has built a successful career, but has not established a personal life after breaking up with her ex. She spent several happy and at the same time painful years with him, and is still unable to discuss the reason for their breakup.
Anton was a successful musician, but after the accident in which his girlfriend Lisa died and a year in a drug treatment clinic, he lost everything. Now he is returning to his hometown, where he has only his older brother Konstantin, who has always been his complete opposite. Konstantin offers his brother help, but with one condition. So Anton becomes a teacher at school and is forced to delve into the problems of teenagers.
Envious of the financial success of young bloggers, therapist Sanya decides to repeat their path. He persuades his friend, Tolik's office employee, to start a YouTube channel and post videos with challenges every day. There are no rules, moral and ethical frameworks, the main thing is to attract an audience. The experiment lasts for two months, the loser drops out of the show and returns to his previous job.