A collaboration of a film and a reality show that shows eight short films and follows the production process of each film. The new season will have eight films, following the central theme of the "parallel universe," touching on different topics, such as the new normal dystopia and the contactless society of the pandemic era.
(Source: koreatimes)
In this documentary series featuring Actor Yoo Ji Tae and Actress Ok Ja Yeon, they delve into the world of Korean shamanism. They follow the stories of people who suffer from seeing ghosts and unexplainable phenomena. Different kinds of evil curses are introduced, and what shamans do to lift them is explained in detail. The process of how one becomes a shaman is shared through a lady who has no choice but to channel a spirit in order to survive.
A story about a top actor who inevitably goes into virtual reality and receives a mission to protect his child by playing a father, and suddenly loves his son with the heart of a real father and faces the shocking truth.
The LG Twins, a professional baseball team based in Seoul, has the largest fan base in Korea's sports history but is also considered an unfortunate team that has not raised a championship trophy for the last 28 years. The jewelry watch prize and the famous Japanese Awamori Soju (a premium alcohol beverage made from rice) that the GM from the 1994 winning team has vowed to present and open have become a legacy that no one has yet witnessed. There's even a painful nickname for LG Twins, "a team destined to fail." However, for the 2022 season, two people from the 1994 winning team have stepped up to change the situation. The pitcher turned GM and the shortstop turned coach are the only people who remember the taste of victory 28 years ago.
A survival variety show where the contestants become a character in a virtual world. The contestants will be disguised as a virtual character with AI face-editing technology to completely hide their identity to transform them into virtual characters that exist in real life. The contestants will be showing their appealing charms to the viewers through the show. The audience matches and guesses the identities of the contestants to a real life star, if the contestant's identity has been found out, they are eliminated, and only one last character stands.