Almost Live! was a local sketch comedy television show in Seattle, Washington, USA, produced and broadcast by NBC affiliate KING-TV from 1984 to 1999. A re-packaged version of the show also aired on Comedy Central from 1992 to 1993, and episodes aired on WGRZ-TV in the late 1990s. The show was broadcast on Saturday nights at 11:30, pushing Saturday Night Live back to midnight. The show is now aired in reruns by the Seattle NBC affiliate following Saturday Night Live.
KING 5 sports anchor Paul Silvi takes an inside look at the Seattle Kraken with exclusive team-focused feature stories, player and coach interviews, and more for fans.
The (206) is a local sketch comedy television show in Seattle, Washington, broadcast by NBC affiliate KING-TV, that premiered on January 6, 2013. The show is broadcast on Sunday at 1:00 AM, following Saturday Night Live.
After two initial episodes, the show left the schedule locally, however, it returned for a full season on April 27, 2013. The first season consists of 12 episodes, the last of which aired July 28, 2013. In addition, the "Not Especially Special, Special" was aired on July 7th, 2013.