Andy Pandy is a British children's television series that premiered on BBC TV in June or July 1950. Originally live, a series of 13 filmed programmes was shown until 1970, when a new series was made. A third series was made in 2002. The show was the basis for a comic strip of the same name in the children's magazine Robin.
Prince Regent is a British period television series that first aired on the BBC in 1979. It depicted the life of George IV from his youth, time as Prince Regent and his reign as King. It consists of eight episodes of 50 minutes.
James the Cat was a children's series created by Kate Canning and produced by Jan Clayton with Grampian Television. It chronicles the many events which take place at the Cornerhouse between James and his new friends. Fellow characters include: Mrs. Lavender, a snail; Frida, a kangaroo; Citroen, a French frog; Rocky, a dimwitted rabbit; and Dennis, a pink fire-breathing Welsh-accented Chinese dragon. There is also a beehive in the garden at the Cornerhouse. Next door are Ma and Pa Rat, and their rat children.
The show changes quite a bit between the two seasons. In the first, James is a newcomer to the garden at the Cornerhouse, and must learn to live with the other animals there. In the first episode of the second season, James becomes a diplomat. In subsequent episodes, he and the others travel to distant lands or receive important visitors. Despite the fact that he can't spell, James is a perfect choice for a diplomat, as he is a tuxedo cat, and quite pompous.
Each episode runs for about 5 minutes.
This show i
Animal Magic was a BBC children's television series which ran from 1962 to 1983 from BBC Bristol. It began fortnightly and was transmitted weekly from 1964.
The presenter was the avuncular Johnny Morris. His charismatic style and genuine fondness for animals made the show an instant hit with children and adults alike. The show combined jovial voiceovers applied to various animals from Bristol Zoo with some basic educational features.
Morris' co-presenters over the years were: Gerald Durrell, Tony Soper, Keith Shackleton, Sheila Young, David Taylor and Terry Nutkins. When Nutkins joined the show in the early 1980s, the producers tried to update it, using new video effects technology. This allowed them to do such things as "shrink" the presenters to allow them to see life from an ant's viewpoint, or to swim in a riverbed for example. Dottie the ring-tailed lemur appeared as a regular guest for eight years in the 1970s. Much to Morris' anger, the show was discontinued in 1983 when the programme's anthropomorphic tre
Coal House is a Welsh television series made by Indus Films for BBC Wales, and broadcast on BBC One Wales, with a subsequent UK wide repeat of both series on BBC Four. Series 1 was set in the depressed economic coalfields of 1927, while Series 2 was set in 1944 as World War II draws to a close. Series 2 was broadcast on BBC across the UK from October 2009
In these six programmes Ian Nairn looks at industrial landscape; considers the unique appeal of Liverpool; tries to analyse the attraction of a summer Bank Holiday county like Cornwall; asks if in new towns like Cumbernauld people have been given enough say in their environment; sees the potential in a plan for a Welsh hill-town; and finally takes a look at a uniquely British institution - the public house.
After a year and a half of closures, the family-run Hastings Hotels, one of Northern Ireland’s most luxurious hotel chains, have reopened their doors. Staff prepare to welcome back guests, but the group lost over £16 million in 2021 and, in this new world of hospitality, the challenges they face are massive.
Meanwhile, in Belfast, the iconic Europa Hotel is gearing up for a series of sold-out exclusive gigs by singer-songwriter Van Morrison. However, the event go ahead relies on Covid restrictions lifting in time.
Across town, the new Grand Central Hotel desperately needs to start generating income to help recoup its £50 million+ building costs. Pastry chef Caitlin has her work cut out as they have a full house of afternoon teas, while bar manager Caelan helps promote a new tour for fans of the series Line of Duty, which was shot in Belfast.
The 5-star Culloden Hotel & Spa in County Down is also trying out a new money-spinner, with a double-decker champagne bus.
A live series celebrating the wildlife success story of Monterey Bay, California. Once ravaged by humans, now everything's returning from Sea Otters to Blue Whales.
Accidental Farmer is a television drama by broadcast on BBC1 on 21 December 2010.
It is about a London-based advertising executive who moves to a farm in Yorkshire after buying it with her boyfriend's credit card as revenge for cheating on her; and the rigours and problems she encounters on the farm, particularly from being unfamiliar with the rural setting. It is a comedy drama starring Ashley Jensen as the main character, Erin Taylor.
Bits and Bobs is a children's television programme which is produced and broadcast by the BBC. It is aired on CBeebies. The show is filmed at several notable Scottish attractions and locations.
It features two balls of fluff: Bits and Bobs who live and travel in a "car" called Trug. Using Trug's eyepiece they explore the world and try to work out what different items are. They have the catchphrase "If I don't know and you don't know, and you don't know and I don't know; do you know?". Another phrase that is used is mentioned during sped up footage of them travelling to their next destination "Hold onto your Bobs, Bits" and vice-versa.
They continuously nose each other by rubbing their noses. At the bottom of Trug is a secret compartment where Bits and Bobs keep their most prized objects. They access this compartment with a crane fueled by sugar cubes.
Bits and Bobs also is English slang for a collection of small items too numerous or varied to name individually. It originated from carpenters' tool kits containin
Fly-on-the-wall documentary following the mobile medical teams of the West Midlands Ambulance Service as they deal with the demands of life on the NHS front line.
Colosseum: Rome's Arena of Death aka Colosseum: A Gladiator's Story is a 2003 BBC Television docudrama which tells the true story of Verus a gladiator who fought at the Colosseum in Rome.