Shasta McNasty is an American sitcom that aired on UPN during the 1999-2000 season. The show was created by Jeff Eastin and produced by Eastin and Neal H. Moritz. The show starred Carmine Giovinazzo, Jake Busey, Dale Godboldo, Jolie Jenkins, and Verne Troyer.
Although Shasta McNasty premiered with less-than-favorable reviews from critics, the program was nominated for a People's Choice Award for best new comedy.
The Bad Girl's Guide is an American television program starring Jenny McCarthy, Marcelle Larice, Christina Moore, Stephanie Childers and Johnathan McClain. The series aired on UPN from May 24, 2005 to July 5, 2005.
The TV show was based on the best-selling Bad Girls Guides by Cameron Tuttle, who was the show's co-creator and co-executive producer.
In a Boston hospital, All Souls Hospital, Dr. Mitchell Grace tries to discover the truth about the haunting that date as far back as the Civil War. The hospital's lower levels, once a mental asylum, are haunted by ghosts of dead patients, including Lazarus, an orderly who has been benevolently haunting the hospital since his days working with Dr. Ambrosius after the Civil War.
Homeboys in Outer Space is an American science fiction/fantasy sitcom that aired on UPN from 1996 to 1997. The series stars comedian Flex and Darryl Bell.
Music television program, showcasing popular hard rock and heavy metal videos, hosted by veteran rock radio personalities The G-Ster, Madd Maxx Hammer, and the "Radio Rat-Pack". Originally aired Friday late nights on UPN owned stations, and in syndication over the American Independent Network (AIN). Filmed in Hollywood, CA.
Swift Justice is an American television series The series stars James McCaffrey as a former NYPD detective and Navy SEAL, who after getting kicked off the force, handles cases the police can't by becoming a private eye.
Live Shot is an American drama television show starring Jeff Yagher that aired in fall 1995 on UPN.
The show centered on fictional television station, KXZX, in Los Angeles's Re-Action News. It was an ensemble piece, one of the rare occasions in television where there was no true main character.
Most notable in the show's run was an early use of an ongoing story arc centering around the murder of a Los Angeles socialite. As the show was canceled with little warning, the story arc was never resolved. Also, sports reporter Lou Waller came out of the closet in the last act of the last episode to air. Consequently, the fallout of this event was never shown.
Manhunt is a reality television series that aired on UPN in the summer of 2001.
The contestants on the show posed as fugitives who tried to escape actors who pretended to be bounty hunters. The one who eluded the bounty hunters the longest would receive a cash prize.
Manhunt was plagued with problems during its brief run. First, a deal collapsed with the World Wrestling Federation in which a number of their "superstars" were to be a part of the show's cast. Then, the bottom fell out when separate investigative reports by conspiracy theorist Peter Lance and game-show enthusiast Steve Beverly revealed that the show was being filmed at Griffith Park in Los Angeles, California. Manhunt had claimed to be filmed on location in Hawaii.
The program was pulled after six episodes.
John Cena and former American Gladiator Raye "Zap" Hollitt were among the cast members. Jim Lee is now the Chaplain at Oaks Christian High School
Head over Heels is a 1997 TV series, that aired briefly on UPN.
Jack and Warren Baldwin are two brothers who take over the operation of "Head over Heels", a South Beach, Florida video dating service founded by their mother.
The staff at Head over Heels includes Ian who produces each client's video, and Valentina the receptionist.
Hitz is an American comedy television series that premiered August 26, 1997 on UPN. The series follows two record industry executives and their boss at Hitower Records in Los Angeles.
The Cindy Margolis Show was a short lived television show which was filmed in Miami Beach, Florida and hosted by Cindy Margolis. The premise of the show was to have a lot of young people party and dance around a stage on which various events took place such as bikini contests. The show was hosted by Margolis and Lance Krall with DJ Skribble providing dance music for the party goers.
Britney and Kevin: Chaotic is an American reality television series created by Anthony E. Zuiker. Starring American recording artist Britney Spears and her then-husband Kevin Federline, the five-episode series aired on UPN from May 17 to June 14, 2005. The series chronicles the couple's relationship from their courtship, engagement and wedding.
A majority of the footage was originally shot for Spears' own reality series to document the European leg of The Onyx Hotel Tour in the spring of 2004. Spears fell and injured her left knee during the shooting of the music video for "Outrageous", causing the remainder of the tour and the series to be cancelled.
Britney and Kevin: Chaotic was heavily criticized by critics, who deemed the series to be career suicide for Spears. Critics noted Spears' excessive narcissism and criticized the themes of the series as being too explicit. The DVD release of Britney and Kevin: Chaotic included Spears' first extended play of the same name.
Nikki and Nora are NOPD detectives partnered together both as police officers and as lovers in a passionate, but undisclosed relationship. They are assigned to a newly formed Special Crimes Unit of the New Orleans Police Department.