R U the Girl is an American reality series that aired on UPN in 2005. The series featured the remaining members of the all-girl R&B group TLC whose former member, Lisa Lopes, died in a car crash in Honduras in April 2002. Initially promoted as a contest to permanently replace Lopes 3 years after her death, both Watkins and Thomas admitted that the winner of the contest would not be joining TLC full-time and would not be a replacement member; the winner would only provide guest vocals on a new single by the duo.
Chains of Love is a reality show that revolves around a man or woman being chained to four members of the opposite sex over four days and nights. This person, identified as the "Picker", is given $10,000 and can remove three contestants one at a time. The Picker can give a portion of the money to each eliminated participant. When left with a single partner, the Picker can choose to either split the money or keep it.
Amish in the City is an American reality television series by Stick Figure Productions and UPN. The plot revolved around five Amish teenagers experiencing "modern" culture by living in a house with six mainstream American teenagers.
The show follows the Amish teenagers as they explore their freedom from the Amish religious code, which is a common element of the Rumspringa period before they decide whether to join the Amish church. Typically, nearly 90% of teenagers end their Rumspringa with the choice to be baptized as Amish; however, at the conclusion of the show, it was unclear which of the show's participants chose not to return to the Amish church and which went back to the Amish way of life. Many accused the show of giving the participants an unrealistic view of "modern" culture and of showing the behavior of the unadjusted Amish like a "spectator sport" for mainstream American viewers. The producers stated that they plan to follow the original series with updates on the current status of the cast, especially
The Mr. Men Show, a North American remake of the British series, Mr. Men and Little Miss, is virtually identical to the original British version, apart from the live-action skits, actors and actresses, theme song, and credits. Its original air was in Canada. Its air in the USA started in the fall of 1997, syndicated by the Summit Media Group. In the American version, there were live action characters including The News Lady, The Game Show Guy,a carpenter with his assistant, and a mad scientist with her assistant, among others.
The re-voiced animated segments from this show later appeared on their own on Cartoon Network's preschooler-aimed program Small World, which showcased animation from around the world.
Iron Chef USA was the first American adaptation of the Japanese television series Iron Chef. Iron Chef USA appeared on the UPN television network in 2001. Only two episodes were aired: "Las Vegas Showdown" and "Holiday Battle"; neither received critical acclaim. It would not be until 2004 when another adaptation of Iron Chef, titled Iron Chef America, would air.
Under One Roof is a 2002 U.S. reality show on the UPN network. Hosted by Rob Nelson, the show's premise was to pit five families against each other to win a Fijian beachfront house.
UPN has been criticized for having canceled the show, not once, but twice. After the first two episodes, aired in March and April, fared poorly in the ratings, the show was cancelled, then brought back again in July as a summer replacement, only to be pulled from the air again after airing one more episode.
Because of the cancellation, the winning family of the house was never publicly revealed, although it is known that the Skofields won.
The five families that competed were:
⁕The Distels
⁕The Paganis
⁕The McRaes
⁕The Hatmakers
⁕The Skofields
Get This Party Started is an American reality television series hosted by Ethan Erickson and Kristin Cavallari in early February 2006, which aired on UPN.