The Untouchables of Elliot Mouse is a 26 half-hour television animated series loosely inspired by the real life Elliot Ness, and his group of agents colloquially known as The Untouchables, and their investigation into the real life gangster Al Capone, although it does take some liberties with history. The series also parodies the violent atmosphere of Chicago during the Dry Law, as well as the old American films, their heroes and villains.
La Chica de Ayer is a Spanish television series which first aired on the channel Antena 3 between 26 April and 14 June 2009. A detective show, it was based on the British series Life on Mars which featured a policeman suddenly transported back to 1973. The Spanish version of the show was set four years later, in 1977, and took its name from the Spanish song "La Chica de Ayer" by Nacha Pop in a similar manner to the British version which was named after the David Bowie song "Life on Mars". It featured Ernesto Alterio in the role of Samuel Santos, a modern-day police officer who finds himself in 1977 post-Franco Spain under the command of Quin Gallardo, a tough old-school policeman contemptuous of his modern methods.
A terrible event leads an investigator in Paris to come back to his birth town ten years after leaving it, where he has to confront the ghosts of his past and an unsolved mystery.
An Spanish woman falls in love and marries a Afghanistan citizen. She and her family get trapped in the Afghan war and she gets through terrible difficulties to get her family safely out. Based in a true story.