The show follows two brothers, Nick & Toby, who discover that they have the power to transform into powerful creatures known as Gormitis. Their two friends Jessica & Lucas join the fight and together they harness the power of the four elements. Now it's up to them to save their world from destruction.
Balliamo e cantiamo con Licia is an Italian television series. It is one of the four live adpatations of the Japanese manga Ai Shite Knight. It is the sequel to "Love me Licia", "Licia dolce Licia", and "Teneramente Licia".
With Barracuda, Daniele Luttazzi imported for the first time in Italy the TV genre of the "Late Show" created in the United States in the fifties by the presenter Steve Allen). In each episode, Luttazzi interviewed in the studio various personalities from the world of entertainment, cinema, music, politics and journalism. The program, in addition to an opening satirical monologue, also included comedy sketches with guests and humorous columns.
Classe di ferro is an Italian action/adventure television series that aired from October 6, 1989 to December 26, 1991. The series focused on a diverse group of young adults who enroll in Italy's military service.
Licia dolce Licia is an Italian television series. It is one of the four live adaptations of the Japanese manga Ai Shite Knight. It is the sequel to "Love me Licia" and was followed by "Teneramente Licia" and "Balliamo e cantiamo con Licia".
College is a 1990 Italian comedy television series, based on the 1983/4 film College. It aired on Tuesdays at 20.30 in Italy from March 6 to June 5 1990 for a total of 14 episodes. The episodes were directed by Lorenzo Castellano and Federico Moccia. The music for the series was provided by Claudio Simonetti. The female lead in the series is Federica Moro, Miss Italy, while her male counterpart, and her boyfriend, is Keith Van Hoven. The college featured in the series is located near the Naval Academy in the heart of Tuscany. The show was produced by Reteitalia and had excellent results in the ratings, with a peak of 6 million viewers per episode. It has since been re-run on numerous satellite channels.
Canimals is a South Korean computer-animated television series by Voozclub Co., Ltd. The main characters are Ato, Mimi, Uly, Fizzy, Nia, Oz, Pow, Toki, and Leon. Internationally, the series has aired on UK through Aardman and worldwide through BRB Internacional.
Love me Licia is an Italian television series. It is one of the four live adpatiations of the Japanese manga Ai Shite Knight. Its sequels are "Licia dolce Licia," "Teneramente Licia," and "Balliamo e cantiamo con Licia".