Otto's Ottifants is an animated series published in 1993, featuring the famous elephant-like characters created by german comedian Otto Walkes. Within a short period of time the humorous stories of Family Bommel and their notorious baby Bruno won the hearts of many young and old people in all the German-speaking areas in Europe.
Die Reimanns - Ein außergewöhnliches Leben (The Reimanns - An Extraordinary Life) is a German docu-soap about the German entrepreneur Konny Reimann and his family, who emigrated to the USA. To live the American Dream, the family emigrated to the United States. At first, the family lived in the small town of Gainesville in Texas, but later Konny and his wife moved to Hawaii on the island of O'ahu. They own a sprawling estate there called "Konny Island", where they are accompanied by the camera team in their daily lives.
Alle zusammen – jeder für sich was a German television soap opera series which aired on RTL between 25 November 1996 and 30 October 1997. 230 episodes were produced by Grundy UFA.
The Dome is a German television program and music event, produced and broadcast by RTL 2. Roughly every three months, a new show is recorded in an event hall in different cities in Germany and Austria. In each episode, several national, but also international bands and musicians perform their recent songs in front of a crowd of 5,000 to 15,000 people. Additionally, a compilation album is published when a new episode of The Dome is broadcast.