"The Adventures of Luntik" or simply "Luntik" is a Russian animated series for children of preschool age. It is the story of a small fluffy creature, Luntik, who was born on the Moon and fell from it, on to the Earth. Luntik is the main character and each episode features a story about him and his friends. Luntik is new to the Earth and in each episode he learns something about this new world. He meets new friends, learns how to be polite and even gets a family. The majority of the characters in the series are small animals: insects, fish, frogs, bees, grasshoppers, ladybugs etc. The show features both adult and children characters. The series are shown from the child's perspective and the stories are very kind and warm. Even the "villains" of the series - two caterpillars - are just a couple of mischievous kids. Each episode is only 6 minutes long and has a finished story line.
In the center of the plot is a senior investigator named Masha Shvetsova and her male colleagues. The plot is the most vital, but, like in “Streets of Broken Lanterns,” it is seasoned with a fair amount of humor - otherwise, how can the audience (and the heroes) endure countless morgues, identifications and other “cute” charms of the investigative routine?
Mom, Dad and... five puppies. The Barboskins are like people. Dad spends his free time at the computer, his daughters are fond of fashion and listen to Jeanne Pussy, and his sons play football and dream of a Nobel Prize.
Masha is an energetic three-year-old who can’t seem to keep herself out of trouble. Bear is a warm, fatherly figure that does his best to guide his friend and keep her from harm, often ending up the unintended victim of her misadventures.
Russian detectives unwind the ball of the most intricate and cruel crimes. They are consummate professionals, the best cops in town. Even on the most dangerous missions, this quartet never loses their sense of humor. It is it that helps them find the most incredible ways out of any situation. They uphold the law and emerge victorious.
"And who are the fixies - a big, big secret!" - that's what the song about the fixies sings. Until recently, people knew almost nothing about these little people who live inside cars and appliances. Fixies take care of machines from the inside, cleaning them, lubricating them, fixing minor malfunctions. They are skilled and diligent craftsmen. Fixies are used to hiding from people, but they are everywhere: in computers, refrigerators, TVs ... Everyone remembers the cases when a non-working device suddenly began to work if it is lightly tapped. It's simple: a fixer woke up inside and made everything work. And now you can watch cartoons about these mysterious hard-working people and get to know them better...
A Russian detective series, based on 8 works of Andrei Konstantinov ("lawyer", "Justice / Attorney-2", "The Thief / Journalist-2", "Writer", "Inventor / Writer-2", "The prisoner "," Cop "," Scavenger ") and four works by other writers.
A youth TV novel about school life. The situations that the characters find themselves in are familiar to every teenager, and the problems that the characters are trying to solve are of concern to everyone: how to deal with unrequited love (and is it necessary?), how to resolve a conflict with teachers or classmates, how to find a common language with parents, how to skip a physical education lesson, how, finally, to wipe the two in the diary without consequences for school life.
The Maski-Show is a comedy television show that starred comedy troupe of eccentric mime clowns from Odesa, Ukraine and aired in various incarnations between 1991 and 2006 in Russia and Ukraine.
The TV show is about the Godunov family, which covers the period from the reign of Ivan the Terrible to the accession of Mikhail Romanov to the throne.
1745. The reigning Empress Elizabeth Petrovna is infertile. The only heir is her feeble-minded nephew Peter III. Elizabeth cannot allow Peter to ascend to the throne, so she decides to marry the tsarevich, wait for the birth of her son, and then take the boy and raise him as a real Russian emperor herself. Brides are coming to St. Petersburg. Among them is the lovely Fike - the young Princess Sofia Frederica from the impoverished branch of the Prussian kings.
The action takes place in Victorian England in the last quarter of the 19th century. 27-year-old amateur detective Sherlock Holmes becomes a bystander to a crime along with Dr. John Watson, a military doctor who has just returned from the war in Afghanistan. During the investigation, Watson, not yet having an apartment in London, settles with Holmes in Mrs. Hudson's «half board», and then takes part in the affairs of his new friend. Watson gives Holmes boxing lessons. Watson himself is an experienced boxer, able to deal with several opponents with his bare hands. In addition, he is an excellent marksman. Considering Holmes a genius, the doctor decides to tell the whole world about his talent and the mysteries he revealed in his stories, where he often embellishes the events («the true story» of which the series presents). Watson is taught to embellish events by the editor-in-chief of the «Morning Chronicle».