The year is 1930. In a small Tartar village, a woman named Zuleikha watches as her husband is murdered by communists. Zuleikha herself is sent into exile, enduring a horrendous train journey to a remote spot on the Angara River in Siberia. Conditions in the camp are tough, and many of her group do not survive the first difficult winter. As she gradually settles into a routine, Zuleikha starts to get to know her companions. The eclectic group includes a rather dotty doctor, an artist who paints on the sly, and Ignatov, Zuleikha's husband's killer. A screen version of the best-selling novel by Guzel Yakhina.
1911, A graduate of the Institute of Noble Maidens, Sasha Meshcherskaya returns to a small provincial town. The well-being of her family is based on her relationship with her loving uncle, the owner of the arms factory Nikolai Shumilov. Sashenka's parents: Prince Ivan Sergeevich Meshchersky and Maria Ilyinichna dream of their daughter's early marriage, and she herself dreams of a brilliant career as an architect. Wanting to please her parents, Sasha makes new acquaintances and instantly plunges into a whirlpool of intrigue, where political interests are at stake above personal passions. Cold-blooded murders and blackmail, intricacies of conspiracies, daring provocateurs eluding detection - all this captivates the enthusiastic schoolgirl, who experiences mortal melancholy from the paucity of life prospects. Without noticing it, Sasha becomes an ideal target for terrorist hypnosis.
Folk wisdom says "in love, as in war, all means are good". But what if a man decides to cheat for the sake of the happiness of his beloved girl? Will wisdom work in this situation?
Young teacher Marina is preparing for the wedding. Her fiance Volodya is a reliable and well-off person. Only life with him is too boring and predictable: as a former military man, everything is always planned in advance, calculated and laid out on the shelves.
It’s 1980s. Anna Savelyeva grew up in an orphanage and always wanted to have a family. After turning 18, she heads to Moscow to find her father, General Pechorsky, who doesn’t even know his daughter exists. Soon, he hires Anna for her stenography skills to work on his memoirs. With access to classified documents and state secrets, the government stenographer finds herself dragged into the world of international espionage. This new chapter of her life is full of danger, head-spinning twists, ruthless betrayals and disappointing love.