The Gherkin King is a reality series about the striking Oos Kesbeke, who is at the helm of his gigantic pickles empire. His sons Camiel and Silvian, the pickle princes, must be prepared to take over the business in the long term.
In this competitive travel program, two teams take on the ultimate battle. The team that covers the most distance (as the crow flies) from the starting point in two weeks, wins eternal fame.
Ewout Genemans dives into various social arenas and walks along with those involved. He discovers the dark side of the paradise island of Curaçao and is interned at a juvenile detention center in the Netherlands. He also follows girls who, under pressure from social media, have plastic surgery performed in Turkey. And that can involve major risks.
In this television program, Miljuschka Witzenhausen follow someone who is severely overweight every week. Previously, the presentation was in the hands of Wendy van Dijk and head coach Radmilo Soda & Angela Groothuizen and head coach Roberto de Costa.