Alaska Wing Men is an American documentary television series on the National Geographic Channel. The show primarily follows the daily lives of bush pilots that fly to and from various small rural villages throughout Alaska. The series premiered on January 10, 2011
Built for the Kill is a nature series made by Granada Wild for the National Geographic Channel. It was made from 2001–2004, with a total of 31 episodes. Each episode runs for approximately 48 minutes including the credits and opening titles. Episodes of Built For The Kill cover a topic or habitat for predatory animals, such as "Coral Reef" or "Packs". If the episode is the name of a Habitat, the episode will feature predators from that environment. If the episode's name is something like "Jaws" or "Packs", it will feature predators who utilize the name of the episode. Built For The Kill uses a graphical approach to catch the audiences attention, often showing inner workings of the predatory animals by using diagrams. Some effects seen are used to show the audience what they can't really see, but is there. This graphical approach to a nature documentary makes Built for the Kill very interesting to watch.
Built for the Kill's classic opening was a montage of creatures featured in the first 7 episodes with a ca
The Shape Of Life tells the gripping and magnificent tale of the beginnings of all animal life. Using innovative camera techniques to capture rarely seen creatures and breathtaking computer animation to reveal stunning detail, this digital high definition series tells the stories of the revolutionary findings and scientific breakthroughs in biology, genetics and paleontology that are rewriting the book of life. The series celebrates the splendors and struggles of evolution, unveiling eight biological designs that are the underpinnings of nearly all animal life. A Co-Production of Sea Studios Foundation and National Geographic Television.
This is a tale of hidden treasure and the scientific shaping of our past, told through the stories of the adventures and discoveries of great archaeologists.
Diverse young Canadians embark on building new lives in the rugged wilderness across four seasons, facing challenges of off-the-grid living while striving to thrive in remote landscapes.
In the crowded ports of Alaska and the Pacific Northwest sit a handful of salty, machine-fueled, deadline-driven workplaces powered by a nautical breed of hard-working, fun-loving men and women. These boat-repairing operations range in size from small mom-and-pop outfits to massive enterprises blanketing entire coastlines, and they all have one goal in common: fix and build boats fast and make money doing it.
In Jurassic CSI, dino detective Dr. Phil Manning launches a full-scale investigation to unearth how dinosaurs really looked and lived. Jurassic CSI goes into the minds, under the skin and inside the bones of the biggest, most impressive beasts ever to walk the planet. Dr. Manning doesn’t stick to convention –or even his own discipline– on his perpetual quest to expand what we know about dinosaurs. With privileged access to some of the world’s most sophisticated technologies –from crime scene 3D mapping technology to an image machine one million times stronger than a chest X-ray– Jurassic CSI challenges long-held assumptions and poses radical questions about our understanding of dinosaurs.
Hazen Audel is back. In these three special episodes, he will travel to the Heilongjiang and Yunnan Provinces of China. Hazen's travels will be filled with adventure as he battles to land a fish that will take centre stage at a mighty feast, and journeys through a hidden valley to deliver an offering of piece to a rival Dulong clan.
In the Womb is a documentary television special miniseries that premiered on March 6, 2005 on the National Geographic Channel. Originally beginning as a special about human pregnancy, the program features the development of embryos in the uterus of various animal species. The show makes extensive use of computer-generated imagery to recreate the real stages of the process.
Wild Amazon takes you deep into the heart of the Amazon on a journey you will never forget! Home to the largest rainforest and mightiest river on earth, the Amazon is home to a huge variety of creatures greater than anywhere else in the world, from the elusive jaguar to diminutive leaf cutter ants; where turtles strike as fast as a snake and spiders protect frogs.
Doomsday Castle is a reality television series on National Geographic Channel, showing the lives of Brenton Bruns and his 10 children preparing for the end of the world, in a castle he has built in South Carolina.
Bruns says he built a castle to survive an electromagnetic pulse, since a castle can survive without electricity and defend against marauders. It started as a bunker in 1999, and is continuously being added to.
Bruns states that his property is covered with booby traps, and his neighbors are serious preppers with lots of guns.
Bruns and his castle was originally featured on the Doomsday Preppers episode No Such Thing as a Fair Fight.
This series charts the exclusive inside story of the 8-billion-dollar race to build America’s first major new airport in 25 years. 30 million passengers a year pass through LaGuardia Airport in New York, but this critical hub is run down and over capacity, causing delays. Over the course of 9 years, 7000 architects, engineers and construction workers must attempt the impossible; rebuild the entire airport from the ground up, to create a state-of-the-art, fully unified facility, without affecting its operation.
Customs officers fight against drug smuggling at the airports, air cargo inspection and the international mail center where drugs continue to be disguised in novel ways. Their intercepts lead to thousands of dollars worth of illegal substances taken off the streets.
Britain's railways were key to the development of Britain - they helped facilitate the Industrial Revolution, the suburbs- and the commuter - and created popular holiday destinations. They've even inspired poetry, film and song. Combining contemporary train journeys with ITN's extensive archive this series provides a unique and revealing history of Britain's railroads and our engineering evolution. In each episode our presenter will take a different rail journey across the UK, use historical rail guides, board classic trains, experience captivating views and explore fascinating histories and personal stories. We'll hear stories of success - and learn about the disasters which pushed the engineering forward.