Menekşe ile Halil is a television drama series that aired on Kanal D. It comprised 36 episodes finishing on May 24, 2008. On March 8, 2010 Euro D published every weekday in the back sections.
Umut is a young man with hyperthymesia, which allows him to remember everything in detail. In order to prove that his father, who is on death row, is innocent, he becomes a lawyer and makes a team to solve different cases using his memory.
A special team of four is established by the Istanbul Police Department. The team has all kinds of different talents. These four people, who have experienced many things in their past, start working together to solve grisly murders.
The heir of a wealthy Cappadocian family, Arhan Alaca, falls in love with the lively Izmir doctor Deniz Dervişoğlu. Everything starts when Arhan takes Deniz to Cappadocia to meet his family. All plans go awry, and the secrets and showdowns of two families cast a shadow over the love of two young people. The balance within the family is disrupted, and Arhan is torn between his love and his family.
Tanınmış işadamı Kemal İpekçi, İstanbul’da karısı Suzan, çok sevdiği çocukları Mert ve Çiçek ile imrenilecek bir hayat sürerken, Kemal İpekçi’nin oğlu Mert’in başından geçen bir olay ile Adana’da kimselerin bilmediği bir ailesi daha olduğu ortaya çıkar. Gençlik aşkı Nilgün ve ikizleri Kadir ile Hasret o güne kadar Adana’da gözlerden uzak yaşamışken, Kemal de yıllarca ikili bir hayat sürmek zorunda kalmıştır. Ancak gerçekler açığa çıktıktan sonra Kemal hem yarım kalan aşkına hem de çocuklarına sahip çıkmak için hiç beklemediği olaylarla savaşmak zorunda
A successful lawyer meets her lost childhood love after 13 years of deserting her poor hometown and abusive family. That encounter forces her to reconcile with her traumatic past and search for her lost family and their tragic fate.
Tells the story of Feride, an orphaned young girl who is forced to attend a boarding school. While she visits her aunt during holidays, she falls in love with her cousin Kamran. Soon, their love grows to be mutual and intensifies.
Melike, who survived in prison for 20 years for the sake of her daughter, fell into the middle of a big lie when she was released. All the injustices and evil done to her unravel in the face of Melike, who draws her strength from goodness and light.
It is the story of Ates, Aysen, Demir and Yasemin, whose characters are opposite to each other and come from different social classes and cultures, to resist their love at the expense of their families.