A four-episode TV series that tells the story of Bruno, a young military who has just run away from the army, travels to Porto Alegre in search of his brother, who he hasn’t seen in years. He cannot find his brother in the city but meets his friends, learns about what was his life, and even experiments the same things his lost brother lived. He discovers a new space where he is free to be himself and explore his sexuality. Away from home, Bruno finds a new family.
This is the story of Manolo Beltra, a mid-aged, unbelieving foul-mouthed but cherished. He is a TV presenter, famous for his participation in a program called "El humor es algo maravilloso". With life more or less settled, a series of events will break this situation and he will have to rethink his way of thinking and deal with his existence.
Dr. Fool, an explorer, reveals to the world the existence of the last koala in the forest of Rivermint, a little town in Australia. As soon as the news of the discovery is spread, Trombonetti, master of a circus, and his assistant Paolo, decide to go to Rivermint to capture the koala for their circus. At the same time, Rebeca, her grandfather and their personal hunter Iván, want to capture Mofli and make it a trophy. But Corina and Bruno will fight against all to help their dear friend of the forest.
The life of a young woman in Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War and its aftermath. This a Television version, in a 4-episode miniseries format, of the film of the same name, based on the novel by Mercè Rodoreda.