Pelotas is a Spanish tragicomedy television series created by José Corbacho and Juan Cruz, set in Hospitalet de Llobregat, a suburb of Barcelona. It was broadcast on La 1, the primary channel of Televisión Española, between 23 February 2009 and 7 June 2010. The series is based around the lives of local Unión Fútbol Club supporters.
The aristocrat Juan de Santa Cruz meets Fortunata, a girl of humble origins, and a passionate love arises between them; but his mother decides to marry him to her niece Jacinta.
In the 1920s Victoria and Ángel fall in love in a small town, northern Spain. They are two people both from a different social class, she is the daughter of a wealthy businessman and he comes from a poor family. They are so in love but social norms and circumstances of the era force them to break up. Several years later, they meet again, Victoria as a powerful businesswoman and Ángel as a priest.
On July 14, 2006, the crew of the fishing boat Francisco y Catalina finds a skiff adrift in Mediterranean waters with several African immigrants on board.