Celia is a Spanish children's television series created by José Luis Borau in 1992 for the national Spanish public-service channel Televisión Española. It is based on the classic Spanish children's novels of the same name by Elena Fortún, primarily Celia, lo que dice and Celia en el colegio. The books and television series tell the stories of a wild seven-year-old girl named Celia Gálvez de Moltanbán. In addition to focusing on Celia, the show touched lightly on Spanish life in the 1930s, such as the upcoming civil war, a changing nation, and the social issues and ideas at the time.
Cristina Cruz Mínguez was cast as the titular character, and the script was adapted by author and screenwriter Carmen Martín Gaite. The creator, Borau, directed and produced the series. Though successful when it originally premiered, Celia was cancelled after six episodes. The sixth and final episode ended with a "to be continued", but the following episode has yet to be released.
An autobiographical account that is also the history of Spain during the dark years of the first half of the twentieth century. Spanish writer Arturo Barea (1897-1957) narrates his childhood in Madrid, his harsh experiences in Morocco during the Rif War and his political commitment to the Republican side during the Spanish Civil War.
Los Trotamúsicos was a Spanish animated series broadcast from 1989 and spent nearly a decade on TVE's schedule. Based on the Brothers Grimm story, Town Musicians of Bremen, the series follows the story of four animal friends who form a band in the playing respectively guitar, drums, trumpet and saxophone.
Eleuterio Sánchez, alias "El Lute", a merchandise trader by birth and a chicken thief at the beginning of his career, is the reason for his first arrest.
Lola is a mature lawyer who decides to resume her professional career after a few years away from the practice to take care of her children Sonia, Dani and Pepa. For this, she associates with Ramón, a friend of her husband Enrique, and they specialize in matrimonial causes.
Violeta returns to Spain to supervise the works that have to turn the family mansion into a museum. The appearance of a mummified body in a room reveals a secret from the past.
The COI, a radio station, is getting ready to air a new programm, "Tristeza de Amor", in the team they've hired, there are two reporters who used to be well known to the audience, journalist Ceferino Reyes, who just returned to Spain after ten years living in South America, and commentator Carlota Núñez, the woman who, years ago, somehow forced the latter to leave the country. This series deals with this radio programm crew's everyday adventures, and their professional and personal troubles.