Alles Kan Beter was a Belgian comedy TV series produced by Flemish production house Woestijnvis between the end of 1997 and 1999, in the Dutch language. The series was directed by Jan Eelen, starring weekly Mark Uytterhoeven, Guy Mortier, Rob Vanoudenhoven, and one guest appearance. All of the cast starred as themselves. Each episode lasted 30 minutes.
Monogamy is seen as the standard. So many films still portray the ideal monogamous relationship as the ultimate goal with the prince on a white horse. But what is not the norm with your past? What if you consciously choose to have multiple love partners?
In the three-part documentary series 'Polyamory: love in abundance' we enter a world where love knows no boundaries and taboos are broken. The series gives a glimpse into various polyamorous relationships in Flanders. Based on various testimonies and insights from experts such as Rika Ponnet and Wim Slabbinck, 'Polyamory: love in abundance' shows the prejudices, challenges and practicalities of non-monogamous relationships.
Our lives could use a dose of color and extravagance, enter the drag queens. In this documentary series we follow six drags on their journey through the entertainment landscape. The performances are a celebration for our stars and the viewer, but we also want to show who is hiding under the wig. Each queen has her own story and motivation. Why do they love drag so much? Where do they find their urge to entertain?
In addition to Astrid Coppens and Kevin Janssens, weather forecaster Sabine Hagedoren, Youtuber Arno The Kid, comedian Guga Baúl, radio voice Anke Buckinx, actor Jeroen Perceval and dancer Nora Monsecour will also take up the challenge. They have to live in the Yecheon Yongmunsa Temple for a total of eleven days, completely isolated from the outside world. For example, they do not have access to their mobile phones and reading a book is not allowed.
For the apotheosis of Humo's Comedy Cup in the Antwerp Arenbergschouwburg, a festive red carpet will be rolled out, on which the cream of Flemish Comedy will visit. The finale also forms the conclusion of the 4-part series 'The road to the final'.
A documentary series in which Serine Ayari goes on a journey of discovery to worlds that are far removed from our 'normal life'. She meets special people with a remarkable lifestyle: from young men who offer themselves to older women in exchange for money to spiritual nuns who grow and sell cannabis. In 'The Outsider' Serine finds out why they choose this lifestyle and how they deal with criticism from outside. And as we know Serine, she does so with an honest view of the stories and her quirky humor.
Samson en Gert zijn in Samson en Gert winterpret met hun vrienden Alberto, de Burgemeester en Van Leemhuysen naar de Ardennen getrokken om de feestdagen te vieren. Ze verblijven in een gezellig chalet te midden van een prachtig sneeuwlandschap. De kerstsokken hangen aan de haard en de kerstboom is mooi versierd. Al snel raken de vrienden echter net als vanouds betrokken bij doldwaze, grappige avonturen. Samson en Gert is een Vlaamse kindertelevisieserie rond de gelijknamige personages. Het programma is al vanaf 1990 te zien op tv. In de reeks Samson en Gert winterpret wordt het huis aan de Dorpsstraat echter eens verruild voor een winterse omgeving.
Otto-Jan Ham makes a program about drugs. Because drugs have fascinated him all his life, but also and perhaps especially because he has three young daughters of his own. He also watches 'The News'. He knows how ubiquitous drugs are. It's only a matter of time before the apple of his eye is offered MDMA, or at least a hastily rolled joint. And so, because his sleep is dear to him, he wants to look the enemy straight in the eye. Objective and with an open mind. 'Drugs', a sober look at mind-expanding shit.
Using never-before-seen images, photos and documents from Frank Verstraeten's private archive and unique testimonials from those who experienced it from the front row, this series tells the real story of Zillion.