Secret History of Kangxi is a 2006 Chinese television series produced by You Xiaogang. The series is the fourth instalment in a series of four television series about the early history of the Qing Dynasty. It was preceded by Xiaozhuang Mishi, Huang Taizi Mishi and Taizu Mishi, all of which were also produced by You Xiaogang. The series was renamed to Nalan and Kangxi for release in Hong Kong on ATV.
Zhen Guan Zhi Zhi, also known as Control by Zhen Guan, is a Chinese television series based on the events in the Zhenguan era during the reign of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. The 50 episodes long series is directed by Zhang Jianya and written by Ah Cheng and Meng Xianshi. It was first broadcast on BTV in China in December 2006.