Struggle is a highly popular Chinese television drama which aired in 2007. The series is directed by Zhào Bǎogāng 赵宝刚 based on the award-winning novel of the same name by Shí Kāng 石康. This 32-episode play earned unexpectedly high audience ratings, primarily due to the popularity of its cast and their fashion style.
The Olympic Adventures of Fuwa is a Chinese animation portraying the 2008 Summer Olympics mascots, known as the Fuwa. The series began running on August 8, 2007. Prior to the television release, Kaku TV distributed copies of the series to foreign embassies and cities.
The series, produced by Kaku TV and China Beijing TV Station, aired on China Beijing TV Station and over 100 other Chinese television channels.
Creators from Mainland China and Hong Kong collaborated to produce the series.
The Asian Animation Comics Contest awarded the series "Best Production" in September 2007.