In this "True Crime" documentary series, the murder of Birgitte Tengs in Karmøy Norway, 1995, is investigated. The case is one of the most famous murder cases in Norway.
When Johnny Håland is kicked out on the street, the colourful but broke 60-something ladies man turns to his son for a place to live. Granddad is a comedy about modern family life when three generations are forced to live under the same roof.
123 people died when the Norwegian semi-submersible housing platform Alexander L. Kielland capsized in the North Sea in 1980. Survivors and relatives of the deceased still have many questions. What really happened?
After two seasons with "På Hjul med Dag Otto", Kristian Ødegård and Dag-Otto Lauritzen has decided to leave the bikes at home and go on without them. The two have been everywhere together with famous guests. They have defied fear and done things they never would have dreamed of. Throughout the series Dag Otto will be pushing his own and Kristians boundaries, sometimes over. We can expect both great heights, sea sickness, fear and laughing from the duo.