The events revolve around two families, the family of "Hassan", whose wife died and left him four young men, and the family of Nadia, whose husband died and left her four daughters, and we will see how the two parties will deal with the problems around them, at first each party alone and after the meeting how they will face each other when they get to know each other.
When rich businessman and village elder Gaafar is approached by the young Aida about a loan, he offers to give her the money on one condition: being his wife for 400 days.
Several wives who suffer from problems and disagreements with their husbands find a book about marital relations whose content exactly reflects what is going on in reality. As a result, they make decisions that turn their lives upside down and affect everyone around them.
Sodfa carries a dangerous secret that she seeks to hide from everyone, but her relationship with Mahran pushes her to reveal this secret, which makes him pursue her to find out the truth.
In a context of suspense and mystery, Dhay experiences many strange and mysterious events, and after a murder occurs, Officer Iyad takes over the investigation and discovers three different stories about Dhay’s life, and facts are revealed to him about an international corruption scandal linked to a famous pharmaceutical company that threatens the lives of patients.
The events take place in a historical context, in the 11th century, where the leader of the Assassins, Hassan al-Sabah, and his leadership of the band that was famous for carrying out bloody assassinations of prominent figures at that stage.
In a comedy drama, the head of the family loses his job and is besieged by physical crises and finds many difficulties in dealing with his children while they are teenagers.
When a murder brings them together, Hussein and Ali, who have just discovered that they are brothers, must put their differences aside in order to solve the case.
The events revolve around Radwa, who is accused of killing the man who destroyed her life by harassing her and then escaping punishment. Compelling evidence piles up against her, especially video footage of the murder. Nevertheless, nothing is as it seems, but with the help of artificial intelligence, anything is possible.
Within the framework of the social drama, the fish merchant Hamed lives a simple, quiet life with his family, until he finds himself in the middle of bitter conflicts among the big market traders, and he must confront them, otherwise he will perish among the whales.
After the sudden death of her father, Miriam discovers her dad's script about an obscure band called Rivo; prompting her to finish the script. She discovers secrets connecting her dad to them, & family secrets that will change her forever.
Ibrahim lives in a world of his imagination; however, when he finds himself in a difficult situation, he decides to change his life with the help of his young neighbor, Ali.
The relationship between the married couple Marwan and Laila deteriorates and reaches a dead end despite their attempts to fix it. However, things take a shocking turn when they discover that their son has leukemia.
Hisham finds himself at a crossroads after being laid off from his job in a hotel, due to Corona, and he must find work and take care of his family under difficult circumstances.
Unexpected events force a rich, self-centered, and snobbish man from Upper Egypt to work as a janitor in Cairo, where he begins a journey that would ultimately make him a hero.
A divorced woman challenges society's view of her, as she attempts to confront the impact of the separation decision on her and her young children, as well as her ex-husband.