The Animated Series' main protagonist is Pampalini - a brave but clumsy Animal Hunter who is determined to catch some wild beasts (or not so much). Although he hasn't caught a single one yet he's still trying to do so. Maybe next time...
A fascinating biography of the poet Agnieszka Osiecka. The series presents her life from her early youth in the 1950s until her death in the 1990s. The background of this biographical story is the artistic, moral and political realities of those times, starting with education in a communist school, through studies at the Film School in Łódź, and the colorful world of student theaters - Warsaw's STS and Gdańsk Bim-Bom. It is a story about Osiecka's spectacular successes and failures, both in the fight against censorship and as a result of difficult life choices. The photos were taken in Warsaw, but also in Masuria, Kraków, Tricity, Łódź, Kazimierz Dolny, Opole and Zakopane.
Zaczarowany ołówek is a Polish cartoon from 1964-1976 made by Se-ma-for.
The serial had no dialogues. It tells a story of a boy named Piotr and his dog, aided by an enchanted pencil, which can materialize anything they draw. The 26 episodes have no linking story, but the last few are centered around heroes quest to save a shipwrecked refugee. There were 31 episodes total, and the episodes 27-31 were remade into a movie in 1991.
Script: Adam Ochocki
Art: Karol Baraniecki
Music: Zbigniew Czernelecki and Waldemar Kazanecki
One of the students of the men's middle school, Adaś Cisowski, a noble boy with a keen mind, stands out for his extraordinary ability to think logically. For this reason, he is called Satan by his colleagues. We meet his family: his doctor father, his affectionate mother and his crazy, much younger siblings. We also see that Adam's thoughts run towards the female middle school, where the beautiful, athletic and extremely self-confident Sophie Gorska reigns supreme. The plot of ‘Satan...’ takes place during the holidays in an old palace somewhere in the Polish countryside. Adaś stumbles upon a treasure trove hidden somewhere in the area by a Napoleonic soldier. At the same time, a group of dangerous criminals also fell on the trail of the treasure.