Geordie Shore is a British reality television series broadcast on MTV. Based in Newcastle upon Tyne, it premiered on 24 May 2011, and is the British spin-off of the American show Jersey Shore. "Geordie" is the regional nickname and dialect given to the people of the Tyneside area of North East England, and is closely associated with the city of Newcastle upon Tyne and its environs where the show is set. However the show includes cast members from various parts of North East England.
Smoking hot singles think they are running away to a tropical island for a once in a lifetime romantic vacation of fun and sun. But just as the party is getting starting, some unwanted guests arrive to break up their good time.
Top Buzzer was a British sitcom written by Johnny Vaughan and Ed Allen, styled as television's first ever "dope opera". It was shown on MTV in 2004 and later repeated on Five. It revolves around two small-time cannabis dealers, Lee and Sticky, and their customers. Sticky fancies himself to be the next Richard Branson, while Lee aspires to be the Kriss Payne of 'Super Pot'.
The show only lasted one series, containing ten episodes. It was released on DVD on 24 October 2005.
Guest stars on the show included Johnny Vaughan, Karen David, Ricky Grover, Howard Marks, Mackenzie Crook, Sean Lock, Edith Bowman, Iain Lee, Bez, Shaun Ryder, rapper and presenter Xzibit, Tony Hawk and ex So Solid Crew member Asher D.
The hottest stars from the UK and the USA head off for a summer of love, with some unwelcome surprises, living at the mercy of the Tablet of Terror and heading to the beach of doom!
Dirty Sanchez is a British stunt and prank TV series featuring a group of three Welshmen and one Englishman harming themselves, and each other, through dangerous stunts. It is known as Sanchez Boys and Team Sanchez in the U.S. The performers are Matthew Pritchard, Lee Dainton, Michael Locke and Dan Joyce, and were originally based in Newport, South Wales, but later series of the show take place elsewhere in the United Kingdom and the world. Pritchard and Locke also starred as the Pain Men in Channel 4's Balls of Steel.
After shooting to fame on the reality show, where the cast drink themselves into oblivion during wild nights of partying in Newcastle, Marnie Simpson, Gary Beadle, Holly Hagan and Aaron Chalmers will return to our screens .
After leaving the show that propelled them into the limelight, the reality star's lives have all changed dramatically.
Gary Beadle was on the show for over six years, where people saw him embroiled in a tumultuous on-off relationship with Charlotte Crosby – as well as 'necking on' with a number of other girls, and cast members
We’ve followed the girls on their journey and now it’s time to see these five teen moms in the UK prove that age really is just a number when it comes to parenting. We’ll watch the tears, tantrums and independence of these incredible young women as they share their journey, showcasing the highs and lows of becoming a teen mom.
MTV World Stage is a global series that brings multi-genre talents with global relevance to an audience in over 550 million households. Recorded "live" at the most exclusive gigs, world renowned music festivals and unique concert locations from around the world, MTV World Stage is the "front row seat" for music lovers to experience the biggest artists on the globe without leaving the comfort of their sofas.
On August 15, 2009, MTV Asia staged the first ever outdoor MTV World Stage Live In Malaysia at Sunway Lagoon Resort in Kuala Lumpur. The event was attended by over 15, 000 fans. The 2011 event took place in I-City
The event also featured a live, real-time microblogging application where comments and 'tweets' via SMS were displayed on giant screens at the concert venue.
Is the person you're speaking to online really who they say they are? The hosts set out to help people who are worried that their online relationships are not all they seem, and travel the UK in search of the real people behind the profiles.
Six couples go head to head to prove whose relationship is best. What they don't know is there are liars amongst them who aren't in a relationship at all. Are you able to spot the fakes?
Busted (James Bourne, Charlie Simpson and Matt Willis) have conquered the UK and now they're going over to the US of A to take on a whole new challenge. Watch them weekly trying to make it big in a whole different country, where nobody knows who they are.
Each episode re-tells the story of two global music superstars through a nostalgic look back in time to present day, all through the lens of the MTV cameras. From their first introduction on MTV News ("you hear it first") to pop culture-defining performances on TRL, the VMAs and EMAs, they’ve been Punk’d, showed us their Cribs, and shared intimate stories on The Ride, Diary, Yo! MTV Raps, and countless specials.
Fur TV is a comedy puppet show produced by MTV Networks Europe and airs on MTV channels throughout Europe. The show uses Muppets style puppetry, but in a more adult setting. The characters are shown to undertake human activities such as drinking and having sex.
Host Lauren Speed Hamilton, is helping to give 8 of your favorite reality TV stars a new chance at finding love. Using cutting edge technology, the Mango Matchmaker will help create surprisingly perfect matches and send our daters on a journey of date activities unlike anything you have seen before.
Queen V is on a mission to help 16 individuals get beach body confident, so she and her squad of trusty personal trainers will be taking on two lucky individuals per episode, as they transform from eating kebabs to rock-hard abs!