X Factor is a Polish talent show based on a British show The X Factor and broadcast on TVN. The first series premiered on 6 March 2011. On 27 November 2010 during the final of the third series of Poland's Got Talent Marcin Prokop confirmed that the auditions would be held in January 2011. That was also the first public statement from TVN about X Factor.
The main prize is PLN100,000 funded by Apart and a recording contract with label Sony Music.
Wszyscy kochają Romana is a Polish television sitcom that premiered on TVN on September 2, 2011. The series is a Polish-language adaptation of the American Emmy Awards winner, Everybody Loves Raymond and stars Bartłomiej Kasprzykowski as titular Roman, a newspaper sportswriter.
First four episodes was aired on Friday nights at 8:00 pm. On September 30, 2011, TVN announced suspend series due too low rating. Joanna Górska, TVN PR chief said: "We looking new timeslot for the series". Last 11 episodes will be aired.
You Can Dance: Po prostu tańcz! is a televised Polish dance competition with a format based on the American show So You Think You Can Dance. Dancers compete to win PLN 100,000, and a 3-month scholarship in dance school Broadway Dance Center and International Dance Academy in Los Angeles from season 7 on. The winners to date are: Maciek "Gleba" Florek, Artur Cieciórski, Wiola Fiuk, Ania Kapera, Jakub Jóżwiak, and Dominik Olechowski.