The story focuses on a special unit of Czech intelligence, known as the Extraktoři (Extractors). The unit operates in secret and its main mission is to ensure the safe return of endangered Czechs from abroad. The story offers insight into the world of espionage and international covert operations and is inspired by true events.
The most popular sport on the planet does not end after the final whistle of the referee - it is made up of hundreds of stories behind the curtain, of pain and denial, of paralyzing fear, but also of boundless support. The new documentary series brings football in its true essence - exciting and full of passion. The film cameras managed to penetrate completely behind the scenes of the functioning of the football club, to the immediate emotions of the players, fans and to the drama taking place in the background. Get to know the legendary club Spartak Trnava - with a century-old heritage, the most loyal fan base in Slovakia and the destinies of those for whom the red and black brand is a religion. The melody of victories and defeats that will remain in your head. Sometimes a symphony, sometimes a requiem and sometimes just silence. The story of a great football love tied to the fate of one club.
The mini-series are inspired by the real, albeit incredibly terrifying, events and actions that Ivan Roubal committed in the 1990s. Hynek Čermák is in the role of one of the biggest serial killers in Czechoslovak history.