Clue is an American five-part mystery television miniseries based on the Parker Brothers board game of the same name, which aired on The Hub from November 14, 2011 to November 17, 2011. The series features a youthful, ensemble cast working together, uncovering clues to unravel a mystery.
The series was created by Raven Metzner and stars Sterling Beaumon as Seamus, Sarah Desjardins as Whitney, Kendall Amyre Ferguson as Agnes, Ana Golja as Liz, Stephan James as Dmitri, and Zach Mills as Lucas.
Maryoku Yummy is an American-Irish television series debuted on Hub Network, which overtook Discovery Kids on October 10, 2010. It is based on the 2001 greeting card character, Maryoku Yummy.
The show is created by American Greetings, who owned other properties such as Strawberry Shortcake and Care Bears, while either also had their own show being aired on The Hub.
Majors & Minors is an American reality television singing competition, that premiered on The Hub on September 23, 2011. Auditions are held for 8-16 year olds, and whoever wins will get a chance to have a partnership with Sony's RCA Music Group. BMI will be involved with the series. The winner of the first season was Michael Woodard.
Hubworld is a children's news magazine television series airing in the United States on The Hub, and produced by Natural 9 Entertainment with an association with Hasbro Studios. The program premiered on November 5, 2010 and is hosted by actor/magician Justin "Kredible" Willman. The program's premiere date was delayed from The Hub's launch date on October 10, 2010, to November due to unknown factors.