Sawaal Dus Crore Ka was an Indian television reality game show series that aired on Zee TV. The show was launched after the huge success of Kaun Banega Crorepati on STAR Plus. Although the prize money was 10 times that of Kaun Banega Crorepati, Sawaal Dus Crore Ka did not meet the same success as it. The series was hosted by known Bollywood film actors Anupam Kher and Manisha Koirala. The questions were devised by Derek O'Brien who earlier hosted Cadbury Bournvita Quiz Contest.
Tu Kahe Agar is an Indian television series that aired on Zee TV based on an astrological prediction that can greatly affect human life. The series premiered on April 1, 2002, and stars Rohit Bakshi and Shraddha Nigam in the main lead.
Paalkhi is a Hindi language Indian drama television series which premiered on June 13, 2005 on Zee TV. The series is produced by Prem Krishen of Cinevistaas Limited and starred Karishma Tanna & Abhay Vakil in the main lead. The series concluded on April 12, 2006.
Ek Raja Ek Rani is an Indian television series that aired in 1996 on DD Metro and later on Zee TV. The series is directed by Kushan Nandy, and stars Shekhar Suman and Bhairavi Raichura in the main lead.
The lives of 12th grade students at the DeNobili High School experience their adventures, fears, hopes, relationships and interactions with each other as they enter adulthood.
Pyar Zindagi Hai is an Indian television comedy series that premiered on Zee TV on March 30, 2003. The series is set in the Punjabi backdrop, and starrs Rakhee Tandon & Mukul Dev in the main lead.
Sanskaar Laxmi is an Indian television drama series which premiered on Zee TV on January 17, 2011 to September 8, 2011. The series is based on the life of a poor village girl, Laxmi who gets married into a rich Gujarati family in Mumbai. The story shows how a less educated but worldly wise, mature and extremely talented Laxmi overcomes obstacles to settle down in her life.
The series ended in September due to low TRP ratings and a lot of changes incorporated with the script and the channel were not happy as the serial did not meet its expectations.
Manzilein Apani Apani is an Indian television series that aired on Zee TV, based on the lives of two cousin brothers: Rahul and Ankush. The series is directed by known Indian television director Anurag Basu.
Bhagonwali was an Indian daily soap opera that aired on Zee TV. The series premiered on December 6, 2010. It is produced by Samidha Khalid's Creative Lab. It tells the story of Runjhun who brings good luck and fortune wherever she goes. However, her own life is riddled with misfortune and hard work because of her circumstances. This show went off air on February 17, 2012 ending with a total of 318 episodes.
Woh was a Hindi language Indian television horror-thriller series which aired on Zee TV in 1998. The series starred noted Indian film director, Ashutosh Gowarikar in an important role.
Do Saheliyaan... Kismat Ki Kathputaliyaan is an Indian television series that aired on Zee TV channel. The series premiered on March 1, 2010 and the final episode aired on July 9, 2010.
Yahaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli produced by Rajshri Productions is an Indian television drama serial that aired on Zee TV. It has received awards in several categories in Zee Rishtey Awards. Yahaaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli was ranked at #4 position among top serials in India during its running time and was well known for its lead actors Karan Grover & Suhasi Goradia Dhami. Currently, the serial airs on FBC TV in Fiji Islands.
Dream Destinations is a Hindi language adventure tourism television series produced by i-Stylus Productions. The series was aired both on Zee News and Zee TV channel's. Each episode features the host of Dream Destinations going to a different places within India, and exploring the geography and culture of the areas. Besides, the show often goes far beyond popular tourist destinations in order to give viewers a more authentic look at local culture.
Kasshish is an Indian Hindi language drama series which premiered on June 20, 2005 on Zee TV. The series is produced by Ravi Rai of K Sera Sera Limited and stars Simone Singh and Ayub Khan in the main lead.
Aati Rahengi Baharein was a popular television drama series that aired on Zee TV channel on September 9, 2002. The story focused on the concept of unselfish friendship and emotional bonding between friends who are from different social backgrounds. The series was set in a Gujarat milieu.