“Escenas de matrimonio” is a series issued by the Spanish television network, Telecinco, produced by Alba Adriática, premiered on August 1, 2007 showing the reactions of fun couples who live in the same building situations Similar deals in their daily lives.
Inés is a 42-year-old woman who, when times start to get tough, attempts to drown herself. She is saved by Hugo, a teenage boy who then becomes obsessed with her. A forbidden romance develops between the two, whose consequences end up affecting all those around them.
Caiga Quien Caiga, also known as CQC, is an Argentine television show. Under the format of the production company Cuatro Cabezas, CQC has also been adapted in Spain, France, Chile, Italy, Brazil, Portugal and briefly in Israel and the Netherlands.
It won an International Emmy for Best Non-Scripted Entertainment in 2010.