The story of the comedy series “Souhalifa” begins when Al-Madani receives a call from his sister asking him to take care of her seven-year-old daughter, Israa. At that time, he did not know that the newcomer would turn his life upside down and break the monotony and silence of his home. “Souhalifa,” as he likes to call her, will make his life full of pranks and adventures, which will force him to change his entire lifestyle.
Three women are beset by several problems in their familial and professional surroundings. Life circumstances force them to embark on a human journey full of suspense and excitement.
Morjana is a young woman who belongs to the Gnaoua ethnicity. The miniseries revolves around her struggle for her love for an educated and open-minded young man who belongs to an aristocratic family with a conservative and cruel father, and the lovers' adventure in the search for a buried historical treasure.