The story is set in Illyria, fictional central European country, towards the end of World War II. A young man infiltrates into the house of a left-wing politician as his secretary. By order of the Communist party, the young man has to kill the politician, who is suspected of a strategy of compromise with other parties.
Senator Merlin's battle for the abolition of houses of ill repute, told by the prostitute Maddalena through a letter. A story of redemption and female self-determination, in a historical context reconstructed with skill and accuracy.
Alberto Angela with Noos, the new series dedicated to popular science, takes the place historically occupied by "Superquark" and is a completely new program while maintaining the strengths of its predecessor. The latest discoveries in the fields of medicine, genetics, neuroscience, biology. But with an eye also to archeology, paleontology, the most important technological, energy and environmental innovations. All always explained in an understandable way by Alberto Angela in the studio with guests and services.
New adaptation of Emily Brontë's famous novel, a story of love and uncontrollable passion, exploring the deepest feelings to the extremes to which love can lead us, especially when there are many obstacles to overcome. A Yorkshire melancholy story about a love stronger than death.