"A Lei e o Crime" (The Law and the Crime) is a Brazilian serial dramatic television series, created by Marcílio Moraes, produced and broadcast by Rede Record, which premiered on January 9, 2009. The series revolves around a low-class worker turned into drugdealer and a noble-blood woman turned into a police captain, who seeks for justice and revenge of her father's death.
It is directed by Alexandre Avancini and written by Marcílio Moraes, Joaquim Assis, René Belmonte, Leonardo Gudel, Sylvia Palma, Eduardo Quental and Irene Bosísio.
Since its premiere, "A Lei e o Crime" has achieved unexpectedly high audience ratings, with a 20-point average in São Paulo, and constantly leading the ratings in Rio de Janeiro, taking off rival Rede Globo's usual number-one spot.
Sereno and César fight with all our strength to rescue the girl of the aggressor's arms. Finally, Vera was arrested and the girl sent to a foster home + Learn the song displayed in vignette Guardian Council + César Sereno and investigate the case of girl abused by family + See shocking images of child abuse scenes displayed on Child Protection Agency
Third Brazilian TV show hosted by Coffin Joe. This show directed by José Mojica Marins was a strange mix of an auditorium show and a TV serie. The Stories were largely sent by the audience and adapted by Mojica and Norbert Novotny for TV. The Serie has a good audience ratings, but a short life.