Totally in Tune is a reality series that aired on Disney Channel. The series focuses around eight students who attended Alexander Hamilton High School Academy of Music, in Los Angeles, California. The series dealt with many trials and tribulations of the students in and outside of the academy. The series originally aired from June 23 to August 18, 2002. During October to December 2006, Disney Channel aired 7 minute-minisodes of Totally in Tune on
Pass the Plate is a multicultural series produced by Saskia in ten countries in association with Disney Channel. Hosted by The Suite Life on Deck's Brenda Song, the series includes various other Disney Channel performers from all around the world.
Madison High is an American television pilot and a spin-off of the High School Musical franchise that was in production for the Disney Channel in the United States. Written by Lester Lewis, executive producer of Jonas L.A., and directed by Disney Channel Original Movie director Paul Hoen, director of Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam, Madison High began production for the pilot episode in March 2011. The television series was going to mark the first time that a Disney Channel Original Series was based on a Disney Channel Original Movie and the first crossover and spin-off between a Disney Channel Original Movie and a Disney Channel Original Series. However, Madison High is unlikely to be ordered because the series Dog With a Blog, starring G. Hannelius, who portrayed Wednesday in Madison High, was picked up by Disney Channel to series in 2012.
This Is Who I Am is a Disney Channel short series that first aired in 2013. The short tells us about the lives of current Disney stars behind the camera.
Disney's Katbot was to be a comedy series based on the character Katbot and website created by Angela Martini for Funny Garbage with a pilot directed by Beavis and Butt-head's Emmy-nominated director Mike deSeve. Katbot is described as a curious, somewhat naïve, fun-loving cat-robot from the planet Katatonia, who, as part of her schooling is sent to Earth to study preteen culture. By using her hypno-façade, she disguises herself as Katerina Botenski, a foreign exchange student from a small Eastern European country she also calls Katatonia. The only person who knows her secret is her best friend Junior Lebore, the son of her host family. Through her friendships with an eclectic group of earthlings, Katbot experiences life on Earth with a unique and comic perspective.
Sherri Stoner, Bart Jennett and John Carlin were to serve as executive producers. Kristin Ellington was to be a co-executive producer and Randy Myers was to be the director. The series was to star Anneliese van der Pol as Katbot, Charlie Sc
Disney's Friends for Change is a pro-social "green" initiative that started in the summer of 2009. Disney stars stress environmental issues in the campaign, encouraging fans to take action. The year-long campaign draws on how Disney stars connect with young fans. Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, the Jonas Brothers, and Demi Lovato were among the original stars in the 30 second to 2 minute public service announcements currently airing on Disney Channel. As part of the initiative, kids will have the ability to choose how Disney will invest one million dollars in various environmental programs. The initiative was presented instead of the 2009 and 2010 Disney Channel Games. The first Disney's Friends for Change Games premiered June 24, 2011 on Disney Channel, replacing the Disney Channel Games.
Mousterpiece Theater is an American television show that ran on the Disney Channel that premiered on the channel's launch date on April 18, 1983 and continued with reruns into the 1990s. It was a parody of the PBS show Masterpiece Theatre, presenting classic Disney shorts instead of showing dramatic works. George Plimpton hosted and gave commentary and background information before and after each cartoon. Each show tended to have a theme; Goofy's emergence as the staid everyman character for example. It usually ran usually later in the evenings.
Contraption is an American game show and one of the original programs on the Disney Channel, which ran from April 18, 1983 to January 9, 1988 and again from March 8 to October 25, 1989. The show was hosted by actor/comedian Ralph Harris and announced by Miranda Fredricks.
Videopolis is an American dance show that aired on the Disney Channel from 1987 to 1989. Hosted by Randy Hamilton, the show was labeled a children's version of American Bandstand.
Bus Life is an English mini-series that aired on Disney Channel in England from 2003-2004. Each episode airs between ad breaks and lasts around five minutes. It is currently airing in on Disney Channel Australia.