Satirical television program aired from November 4 to December 18, 2002. The transmission was intended to shed light on a case (of course fantasy) of a missing person, Mario Scafroglia. The hypothesis was that the man had voluntarily lost track of himself, which offered in each episode new food for thought to deepen in a satirical way themes of current affairs, politics and costume, in an attempt to understand the reasons that had driven Scafroglia to flee.
Elegant, daring, generous, Corto Maltese travels around the world wherever his current whim tales him. In every exotic locale his code of honor leads him to battle on behalf of the poor and the weak, battles he win due to his sparkling wit and daring.
Gino the Chicken, also as Gino the Chicken lost in the net, is an Italian television series.
Was initially an Internet meme created by Andrea Zingoni, here became an animated series produced by RAI.
Six plays staged for TV, under the artistic direction and direction of Paolo Sorrentino. A project dedicated to the genius of Mattia Torre, played by actors-friends, companions of many adventures in cinema, theater and fiction.
A new series of episodes conceived and written by Piero Angela and dedicated to the new generations, that is, to the young people who today attend Italian schools and who one day will be responsible for the society of the future. In a simple way, try to better understand the difficulties but also the opportunities of the new world we are entering. Piero Angela, together with a team of experts, analyzes the advantages, but also the limits, of "clean" resources and the role of so-called energy cannibalism. Recognizing the urgent ecological emergency of our times, Piero Angela decided in the last period of his life to dedicate himself to the production of a series of programs to explain the problems that humanity must face, linked to climate change and the search for new sources of energy, but also the role of science and technology in modern society.